Bookings Going Slow?

Speed Them Up At The Bridal Show.

You are not alone. Reports from across the nation indicate that brides are booking key services closer to their wedding dates than ever before. In an effort to economize, brides are keeping their options open and managing their cash flow by delaying deposits. Brides have clearly changed the way they book their wedding services. Has your marketing changed to compensate?

If you are not already show casing your business at bridal shows, now is the time to consider adding the Central Washington Bridal Show to your marketing mix. Bridal shows offer a unique opportunity to meet engaged couples in an environment that creates a sense of urgency and allows you to offer booking incentives without broadcasting them to everyone. Consider...

  • At the Central Washington Bridal Show you'll meet face-to-face with motivated brides who come to the show specifically to meet wedding vendors. These brides aren't just kicking tires, they are on a mission. There is no more compelling way to present your product or service than in person at the Central Washington Bridal Show.
  • Bridal show attendees often become even more motivated at the Central Washington Bridal Show because they quickly realize how much competition they have for venues and vendors. There is nothing like seeing hundreds of other brides eyeing your favorite venue or photographer or caterer to create a sense of urgency to lock up your wedding date.
  • Unlike inflexible internet and magazine ads, at a bridal show you can actually talk with brides about their specific needs before quoting a price. You can offer show specials for a limited time or special payment terms that encourage brides to book at or directly after the show.
  • The Central Washington Bridal Show delivers a list of registered brides to their exhibitors after the shows. You'll get contact information for hundreds of engaged couples along with their wedding dates. You can use the lists to target messages specifically to couples who attended the show and time your communications to reach them when they are ready to pull the trigger on booking your particular service.

Brides may have slowed down, but you need to get in the marketing fast lane. The Central Washington Bridal Show is a way to do just that.